Tips to Get Rid of Bleeding Gums

The previous week, we talked about bleeding gums in general. We explained how this gum inflammation is caused and what happens in our bodies. This week, I offer you the best tips to save your gums and get rid of the blood surrounding them.

The previous week, we talked about bleeding gums in general. We explained how this gum inflammation is caused and what happens in our bodies. This week, I offer you the best tips to save your gums from infections.

1. Oral hygiene

Of course, we are starting with proper oral hygiene. Brush-floss DAILY. Flossing pulls bacteria out of the grooves around your teeth and prevents plaque from building up. Brushing also removes the layer of bacteria on your teeth. If you bleed when you brush or floss, it does not mean that you should back off. Remember, healthy gums don’t bleed when brushed. So it’s not the brushing, it’s the inflammation or state of disease that makes them bleed.

2. Pick an electric toothbrush

These brushes can remove plaque and bacteria around your gums more effectively than regular toothbrushes. These brushes move faster than you ever could move a brush while still providing a gentle clean.

3. Visit your dentist

You should see your dentist for a cleaning at least every six months or more often as your dentist suggests. During cleanings, your dentist removes plaque buildup on your teeth.

4. Quit smoking

Tobacco products, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco, hurt all aspects of your health, including your oral health. Tobacco destroys your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay and loss of teeth.

5. Diet-diet-diet

The foods you eat impact the health of your mouth. Sugars and starches provide food for bacteria, helping them grow. Eating throughout the day also can increase the number of bacteria in your mouth. Reduce how many carbohydrates and snacks you eat to experience better oral health.

6. Nose or mouth breathing?

Nose breathing at night and during the day. If you are a mouth breather, find a solution (your dentist can help). Even healthy gums will change color and will be more likely to bleed as a dry mouth changes pH and allows the wrong bacteria to become dominant. If you see that mostly your anterior gums are swollen and red, and not the posterior gums, this could be a result of as simple as mouth breathing.

You have to realize how important it is for your overall health to maintain healthy gums. Gum diseases are a greater predictor of morbidity than heart disease.

Think of that next time you see blood on your floss.

The only real good solution to fixing those bleeding gums, ultimately, is a trip to the dentist.

Athina Tsiorva

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